So I had been editing School Police for about a year before I decided to publish it, thinking I might as well get the work out there. It’s basically a book of short stories I wrote in and after college and, as one reviewer wrote, it’s “early Biggs.”
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Author: John Biggs
Presenting School Police, A Book Of Short Stories
I’m pleased to announce that I just completed a book of short stories, School Police. These things have been a long time in coming – over 15 years – and I’ve given them a beautiful cover by Sonia Budner, a Polish artist, and wonderful publishing opportunity through Kindle Unlimited. I hope you enjoy them.
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Survey: Which Cover Do You Like Best?
Hey, guys: I’m working on a short story collection that I’ll probably publish in a few weeks. I wondered which cover, by Sonia Budner, you liked better? Given you know nothing about the stories, which one is more interesting and evocative?
Pick the covers that you like best. Vote twice! Vote three times! Go nuts! Thanks!
Amazon, a Friendly Giant as Long as It’s Fed
“Amazon believes the value exchange between publishers and authors is fundamentally broken,” said Scott Jacobson, who worked on the Kindle team at Amazon and is now at the Madrona Venture Group. “In a world where authors can hire their own editors, market their books through the web and social media, and get production and distribution through Amazon or other services, publishers will play a lesser role and their share of the economics will be diminished.”
So writers should get more and publishers less, an assertion with which few writers would disagree. But Amazon also believes that books should be cheap. This makes the pie smaller for everyone; Amazon argues that the publishers will make up on volume what they lose on each sale.
Bored Kids? Mytro is 99 Cents And I’ve Reduced The Paperback Price (Or I’ll Just Give It To You Free)
It’s the doldrums of summer and I suspect your kids, like mine, are probably staring into space. That’s why I’d love to get Mytro into their hands. If you have a bored kid, email me at and I’ll send you a free copy of Mytro in epub format. You can also grab it on Amazon for 99 cents or in Paperback for $9.99. What more could your bored kids ask for?
Read This Amazing Review Of Mytro By @shermanbiz
What I loved most about the novel, wasn’t the character development, plot, or the world that Biggs created (although I loved all of those). To me, the best part was the pristine detail that Biggs implemented, to truly immerse us in his world. I also liked the twists and turns, as well as the feeling of wanting to know what was going to happen next. It’s rare to see that sci-fi novel nowadays, because most great stories have been told.
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A Great Review Of Bloggers Boot Camp
It’s fun to get reviews and it looks like our book really hit the spot.
Bloggers Boot Camp is a great resource for beginner and intermediate bloggers. I’ve been blogging for a few years and many of the advice dished out in the book are some of what I practice, and then there are also new tips I’ve never seen before.
The authors Charlie White and John Biggs definitely have the credentials to write this book. They have worked for Wired, Mashable, Gizmodo, TechCrunch and other companies. The experience they get are from the ground, from the front lines. Many live examples, so called war stories, are included.
Mytro Is 99 Cents This Weekend *Fireworks*
Mytro is a mere 99 in the iBooks store and on Amazon this weekend in honor of July 4. What does Mytro have to do with fireworks, you ask? Well, unlike a nice trip to the park with the family to lay out on a blanket and celebrate independence day, Mytro is full of adventure and mystery! Read on for an excerpt.
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Why I’m DRM Free
All of my books are DRM free. I know that DRM is useless – I can break Amazon’s in a few clicks and almost every major DRM system has been shattered upon release – and I want people to read my books. That’s why I give them away when it makes sense (you can get Mytro free on the iBooks store now, for example) and try to offer my own download pages when possible. I’ll continue to do this.
I thought I’d share a talk by Cory Doctorow on this very topic and explain my position on books these days.
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Write, Publish, Repeat: One Of The Clearest Books On Indie Publishing I’ve Ever Read
I try to read as few books on writing as possible. With the exception of Steven King’s On Writing and maybe Gardner’s On Becoming a Novelist
, there’s little you can learn early on in your career from these books and, by the time you’re ready for them, most of the advice is already known. But in Indie publishing – essentially what I’ve been doing – there are few guidebooks.
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