Mytro is on Storybundle!

My favorite book bundle, Storybundle, is featuring my YA book Mytro alongside a few other amazing titles. You can get the whole thing for a few dollars and some of your purchase will go to charity. I’m really pleased to be able to work with SB on this.

They write:

The Light in the Dark YA Bundle, curated by Allyson Longueira: I love young adult fiction. And I’m not the only far-from-young adult who does. So, when I had the opportunity to curate another StoryBundle, I knew YA was the way to go.

Each book in this bundle sparks a light in the dark. Sometimes, that light comes from within. Sometimes, the characters must fight back the darkness to find it. And their stories demonstrate the incredible diversity of young adult fiction, from lighthearted and inspirational to dark and gritty.


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